Sunday, January 17, 2010

Paper Rose Tutorial

I have had a lot of interest in my paper roses lately, so I decided to do a quick tutorial, oh god, bear with me, still new at this blogging thing. I didn't have time to do a video tutorial, next time I will schedule more time to do that, so for now it is going to be a photo tutorial. A friend taught me how to do these roses a couple years ago and it was the new Prima paper flowers that jogged my memory on these cute, easy roses. Enjoy and TFL!

1. A square piece of cardstock, don't really worry about measurements, the bigger the square the bigger and fuller the flower will be, but just fyi the cardstock I was using was 5.5"x 5.5".

2. Draw a spirial starting from the centre of the square to the outside edge of the square, you don't have to be perfect!

3. Cut out the spirial, be sure to cut right to the centre of the spirial.

4.Once you have cut to the centre of the spirial, go back to where you started and snip the spirial away from the square cardstock.

5. You snipped the spirial from the square cardstock, and this is what you have left. Easy so far, right! Just wait it gets easier.

6. Start rolling the spirial inward to the centre, remember you don't have to be perfect.

7. Once you have rolled the spirial all the way to the centre, put a small glue dot on the bottom to hold the rose together.

8. Done! What I usually do is add a couple more small glue dots in the centre of the flower, but make sure they are hidden. I do this because of two things, I don't want the flower to slightly unravel more than what I want it too and because I want it to keep it's shape.


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