Hockey playoffs and Lost are also on, but I also have to manage to get out for a run tonight too, missed doing that yesterday because I was so tired. I am doing 7K in about 31min, I'm on track for beating my 10K time last June by 20min. There are other factors though, when I did the 10K last June it was 6mths after I gave birth and I still had some baby weight on, now that most of the baby weight is off, I am a bit quicker and I have more endurance. I hoping to do a half marathon either in the summer or in the fall or both.
Here is are couple pics (one of which I submitted to a challenge at 2peas of shoes)of my other hobby...running.

Now, lets get to the card talk. So, I stopped making cards for about a week, I find that when I make too many all at once that I feel really rushed and I don't like the end result. I also find that if someone asks me to do a card for them that is really specific, that I can't come up with something really creative, I am much better crafting when I just have time, when I feel like crafting, not when I HAVE to craft, you know what I mean?
Anyway, here is a bright card for you! TFL!